NC Innovations Medicaid Waiver
North Carolina’s Medicaid waiver program for individuals with intellectual disabilities and other developmental disabilities

What is the NC Innovations Waiver?
NC Innovations is a Medicaid waiver program for individuals with intellectual disabilities and other developmental disabilities. It is designed to provide an alternative to placement in an institutional facility. This waiver offers an array of services and support options designed to assist individuals of all ages to remain in their community and to live as independently as possible. Individuals who may not currently qualify for Medicaid may qualify under this waiver. The NC Innovations Waiver enables individuals to play an essential role in deciding how to plan, obtain and sustain community-based services for themselves. This helps them to live fuller, more independent lives.
Who is eligible for the NC Innovations Waiver?
A person may be eligible for the NC Innovations Waiver if:
- The individual with intellectual disabilities or other developmental disabilities resulting in substantial limitations in several major life areas.
- The individual is eligible for Medicaid or may qualify for it under this waiver.
- The individual meets the criteria for placement in an Intermediate Care Facility for people with Mental Retardation (ICF-MR).
- The individual’s health, safety and well-being can be maintained in the community for less than $135,000 a year.
- The individual lives in a private home or a facility with six beds or less.

NC Innovations Waiver Eligibility
The NC Innovations Waiver is not an entitlement or a right, rather it is a set of Medicaid services that individuals may be eligible for if they meet specific criteria. The number of individuals who can participate in the waiver is limited by the State and the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services and available waiver funding.
To learn more about the NC Innovations Waiver, please visit their website here: NC Medicaid: NC Innovations Waiver
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